7 Secrets to Impress Tech Recruiters and Ace Your Data Scientist Phone Screens behavioral interviews

Have you ever worried about making a good impression during a phone screen with a technical recruiter?

If you have, you’re definitely not alone! Phone screens can be nerve-racking. Even if you have a ton of experience in the field and are extremely qualified, it’s hard knowing how to...

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Why The S.T.A.R Method Does Not Work in Data Science Interviews and What to Do Instead behavioral interviews

At some point in the data science interview process, you’re going to be asked to describe a previous data science project.

Although this question is not technical, failing to prepare for it is a big mistake! To give a good answer to this type of question you need structure so that you cover...

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How to Deliver a Killer Presentation in Data Science Interviews behavioral interviews

Very few people like giving presentations, but if you want to be a data scientist, you’re going to have to do it at some point, and actually being good at it can help you in your career.

Not only will you need to give presentations on the job as a data scientist, but you will also likely...

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Why You Fail the Behavioral Interview behavioral interviews

Behavioral interviews do not test your technical skills, but that does not mean that they are not important. You can lose your chances at a job by doing poorly in these interviews, yet many people underestimate them and fail to prepare.

To help you not be that person, this blog will cover the dos...

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